Auto 1999 Winnebago Rialta Class B in Syracuse, New York For Sale
Price: $4,039
Type: Cars,
For Sale
- Private.
New leatherette front seats, power windows, power steering, cruise control, am/fm stereo, a/c dash, good tires with lots of tread. Generator with 40 hours on it, LP Gas tank, fridge, 2 gas burner stove, sink with faucet, microwave, heater, new privacy blinds,
Quad seating that make into a double bed. Rear dinette that makes into a small queen. Pull out dining table. Toilet, bathroom sink and shower. Upper cabinets, large closet. Carpet throughout. TV and antenna. Two brand new Interstate coach batteries. Rear cup holders. Large rear window with wiper. Class III 2" trailer hitch receiver. Fantastic fan (brings air in from outside to cool coach. Roof A/C Roof Vent Covers,